Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Many Jobs

So, this month Marcus and I would what you would call..."Scraping by." Really. So both of us are working as much as we can while still keeping our sanity. I applied for a job and got an interview this week. It also applies towards my major. Fingers crossed that I get the job. In the mean time I am working in a little coffee shop and working other odds and ends. Here is a new one. Tshirts4hire.com. It is pretty cool You get paid to wear t-shirts. So, today I ventured out and got paid to wear a t-shirt.
Its really not to difficult.  This is the front of the shirt. Basic t-shirts for hire logo. The objective of the company is to get other companies to participate and "buy days" for an individual to wear a t-shirt in public. My shirt was a specific experiment by the company. On the back of the shirt encourages people to text in if they want to get paid to wear a t-shirt. (below on the left.) My job, is to wear this t-shirt on a designated day.
Then when I wear the shirt I have to wear it in a public place then post a picture of myself wearing out in public. Then I post it on Facebook or on a blog or both. And this is a picture of me smiling at Walmart.

And I am checking out face washes. That is besides the point. Basically, its a free shirt and you get paid to wear it. To me...that's a win win. I don't know what you think. But, you should totally go check it out.

Well thats my little plug for the day with this business.

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